
Friday, December 16, 2011

my colourful life in UKM..hehe..

waahh ak dah msuk alam U..xsngka dah besaq ak skrg, ingtkn kecik lgi, xpa hti still mantain muda..itu yang penting...first ak sampai ukm ak rsa mcm ka?? ak pun xsure hahaha...first ak jumpa roomte ak, ak tngok dia..ya me!!! why??? huhu...roomte ak looks smile, no talk...but after a month perghh...gila funny minah nie..ADURA SAMSUDIN, you r the best..
dlm mnggu orientsi, ak actually xbersama dgn roomte ak, yela msing2 wat haluan niri, ak rapat dgn jiran bilik ak..MARDHIYAH ABDUL RAZAK..ak suka, easy going person..thought me alot of new things...she can talk in KEDAH even she from seremban that the most important things..haha...

sorang mak cik nie kerek sket, asal jumpa mula2, perghh!! jelingn berbisa...senyum pun tak, senyap bila kenai ja btui2, hnya Allah ja tau..mcm bdak2, sensitif n mnja..suka gelak org sapa2 yng nak kenal bolehla cari dia sebgai penyejuk mata...QURRATUL AINI SALMA...please dont take away my future husbnd..huhu..x0x0~~~

kat sni jgak ak kenal rmai lgi, kak ain yang bnyak info, lida yag gila2 n xmtang, kak ekin yang sempoi, adi si bulu mata pnjang....itu kwan2 stu ars ak...haa..lfe is sooo beautiful..guys u r the best!! luv u all...muahxx..~~~


cik resmipadi said...

amboi2...qurat xamek eh husband fia 2...qurrat xde sape nk pn...lenlefia...

safiyyah said...

fia tau dah hat tu..sja nak bg amran ki3....ala qurrat kan bnyak skndal kalo fia senraikan penuh comment nie t

cik resmipadi said...

jahat fia ni....mne ad sape nk kat qurat,,,dahle xcomey

cik resmipadi said...

fia...qurat ad update mende baru kat blog...nnt bcele...doa

safiyyah said...
